Pack of 10 - Neoprene Rectangular Hand Sanitizer Holder Keychain for Sublimation: Includes 10 Empty Plastic Sanitizer Bottles. Material: Neoprene
Sold in packs of 10 pcs Size: 2 3/8" x 4" ; thickness: 2mm
Step 1: > Adjust the Heat Press Temperature: 400° F > Time:30-35 seconds Note: These instructions, including transfer times and temperatures, are based on the inks, paper, ovens and products we use. Your inks, papers, etc. may require adjustments in your time/temp settings.
Step 2: > Design and Print Your Transfers∑ Prepare artwork and size transfer with consideration to the size of the holder, ∑ Mirror Image:Image must always be produced in reverse to ensure right reading image once pressed into a holder. Most printers refer to this as “Flip Horizontal” or “Mirror”
Step 3: Transfer the Image 1. Preheat press to 400° F. 2. DO NOT pre-press the holder! 3. Using heat resistant tape, fasten the transfer image side down.
4. Place the Holder on the heat press with the transfer on top.
5. Press at 400° F for 30- 35 seconds using medium to firm pressure.
6. Remove transfer while hot.